




--Chairil Anwar (1922-1949),羅浩原 譯

Pondering, pondering on you, dear……*




*註: 此句引言原文為英文,或可譯成「為君沉吟、沉吟,卿卿……」

--Chairil Anwar

Pondering, pondering on you, dear……

Minggu pagi disini. Kederasan ramai kota jang terbawa
tambah penjoal dalam diri—diputar atau memutar—
terasa tertekan; kita berbaring bulat telandjang
Sehabis apa terutjap dikelam tadi, kita habis kata sekarang.
Berada 2000 m. djauh dari muka laut, silang siur pelabuhan,
djadi terserah pada perbandingan dengan
tjemara bersih hidjau, kali jang bersih hidjau

Maka tjintaku sajang, kutjoba mendjabat tanganmu
mendekap wadjahmu jang asing, meraih bibirmu dibalik rupa.
Kau terlompat dari randjang, lari ketingkap jang
masih mengandung kabut, dank au lihat disana, bahwa antara
tjemara bersih hidjau dan kali gunung bersih hidjau
mengembang djuga tanja dulu, tanja lama, tanja.

[On Top of the Mountain]
--Chairil Anwar, translated by Burton Raffel

Pondering, pondering on you, dear……

It’s Sunday morning, here. The excitement of the pushing, crowded city, heaping problems
Onto problems—whether spinning or spun—
Feels quieter, calmer; we’re lying in bed, naked.
After what we said before, in the darkness, we’re out of words, now
Because we’re 6,000 feet away form the sea, form the crossing and criss-crossing of the harbor,
That world down there seems to be nothing at all compared to
The bright green fir trees, the bright green river.

So, my love, my darling, I try to cling to your hand
To hug you unknown face, to find your reluctant lips.
You jump out of bed, run to the tiny window still
Stuffed with fog, and there you see, between
The bright green fir trees and the bright green mountain stream
The old question still growing, blooming, the old, old question, the question.

Burton Raffel, ed. & trans., The Complete Poetry and Prose of Chairil Anwar, Albany: State University of New York Press, [1962], 1970, pp.138-9.

--Chairil Anwar, translated by Boen Sri Oemarjati

Pondering, pondering on you, dear…

It is Sunday morning here. The hecticness of the city bustle that is carried along
added to the worrying part of oneself—being twisted or twisting—
is felt to be subdued; we are lying stark naked
After what was said last night, we are out of words now.
(We) Are 6,000 feet away from the level of the sea, (from) the cirss-crosing of the harbour,
thus (we’re) given up to comparison with
the pure green pines, the limpid green streams

So, my dear love, I try to shake your hands
to clasp you alien face, to reach your lips beyond (all) appearance.
You jump out of bed (and) run to the tiny window that is
still heavy with mist, and you can see there, that between
the pure green pines and limpid green mountain streams
the former question still floats, the old question, the question.

.Boen Sri Oemarjati, Chairil Anwar: The Poet and His Language, Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde. 63, The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1972, p.93.






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