--Chairil Anwar (1922-1949),羅浩原 譯
Aku Berkisar Antara Mereka
--Chairil Anwar
Aku berkisar antara mereka sedjak terpaksa
Bertukar rupa dipinggir djalan, aku pakai mata mereka
pergi ikut emgundjungi gelanggang bersenda:
kenjataan-kenjataan jang didapatnja
(bioskop Capitol putar film Amerika
lagu-lagu baru irama mereka berdansa)
Kami pulang tidak kena apa-apa
Sungguhpun adjal matjam rupa djadi tetangga
Terkumpul dihalte, kami tunggu trem dari kota
Jang bergerak dimalam hari sebagai gigi masa
Kami, timpang dan pintjang, negatip dalam djandi djuga
Sandarkan tulang belulang pada lampu djalan sadja
Sedang tahun gempita terus berkata
Hudjan menimpa. Kami tunggu trem dari kota
Ah hati kami dalam malam ada doa
Bagi jang batja tulisan tanganku dalam tjinta mereka
Semoga segala sypilis dan segala kusta
(Sedikit lagi bertambah derita bom atom pula)
Ini buktikan tanda kedaulatan kami bersama
Terimalah duniaku antara jang menjaksikan bias
Kualami kelam dan mereka dalam hatiku pula
I Run Around with Them
--Chairil Anwar, translated by Burton Raffel
I run around with them, what else can I do, now—
Changing my face at the edge of the street, I use their eyes
And tag along to visit the fun-house:
There are the facts as I know them
(A new American flick at the Capitol,
The new songs they dance to).
We go home: there’s nothing doing
Though this kind of Death is our neighbor, our friend, now.
Hanging around at the corner, we wait for the city bus
That glows night to day like a gold tooth;
Lame, deformed, negative, we
Lean our boney asses against lamp poles
And jaw away the years.
It’s raining. We wait for the city bus.
And ah my heart, in this darkness we are a prayer
That whoever reads what this hand writes, writes out of love for them,
Will be all those rotting with syphilis, with leprosy
(Add at least those charred by atomic bombs).
This proving our divine rightness
My world will suddenly be O.K., to those who can bear witness—
Darkness, and them: both are in my heart, both.
.Burton Raffel, ed. & trans., The Complete Poetry and Prose of Chairil Anwar, Albany : State University of New York Press, 1970, pp.144-5.
I Go About Among Them
--Chairil Anwar, translated by Boen Sri Oemarjati
I go about among them after being forced to (,)
Changing shape on the sidewalk, I use their eyes
(and) tag along, visiting entertainment spots:
their acquired realities.
(the Capitol cinema is running an American film,
new tunes provide the rhythm they dance to)
We go home unafflicted by anything
Although Death in various forms is (our) neighbour
Gathered at the (tram) stop, we wait for the tram from Kota
That moves in the night like the tooth of time.
We, lame and cripped, negative also in promise
Just lean (our) dry bones against the street-lamps,
While the tumultuous years keep on talking.
The rain falls upon (us). We wait for the tram from Kota.
Ah, dead hearts have a prayer in the night
For those who, in their love, read my handwriting
May all syphilis and all leprosy
(Soon supplemented by the sufferings caused by the atomic bomb as well)
Be the token of our joint sovereignty
Accept my world (which is) among those who bear witness to poison
I experience the darkness of the night as well as them within myself.
.Boen Sri Oemarjati, Chairil Anwar: The Poet and His Language, Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde. 63, The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1972, p.102.