--Chairil Anwar, 羅浩原 譯
[Kepada Pelukis Affandi]
--Chairil Anwar
Kalau, 'ku habis-habis kata, tidak lagi
berani memasuki rumah sendiri, terdiri
diambang penuh kupak,
adalah karena kesementaraan segala
jang mentjap tiap benda, lagi pula terasa
mati kan dating merusak.
Dan tangan 'kan kaku, menulis berhenti,
ketjemasan derita, ketjemasan mimpi;
berilah aku tempat dimenara tinggi,
dimana kau sendiri meninggi
atas keramaian dunia dan tjedera,
lagak lahir dan kelantjungan tjipta,
kau memaling dan memudja
dan gelap-tertutup djadi terbuka!
[To the Painter Affandi]
--translated by Burton Raffel
If I have run out of words, no longer
Dare to enter my own house, standing
On the crumbling doorstep,
The reason is the eternal transience
Stamped into every piece of every thing, and even more
The sense of death coming, destroying.
And hands will stiffen, will no longer write,
Troubled by pain, troubled by dreams.
Give me a place on a lofty tower
Where you alone rise over
Crowds and noise and betrayal,
Over easy pretence and make-believe creation,
Where you turn away, you pray,
And the closed-up darkness opens!
.Burton Raffel, ed. & trans., The Complete Poetry and Prose of Chairil Anwar, Albany : State University of New York Press, 1970, pp. 90-91.
[To the Painter Affandi]
--translated by Boen Sri Oemarjati
If I'm completely out of words, no longer
dare to enter my own house, standing
on the crumbling doorstep,
it is because of the transience of everything
that brands every single object, moreover it is felt
(that) death will come, destroying.
And (my) hand will be stiff, (it will) stop writing,
(I'm) troubled by suffering, (I'm) troubled by dreams;
give me a place on a lofty tower,
where you alone rise
above the crowdedness of the world and perfidy,
worldly vaunt and illusiveness of creation,
you turn away and worship
and closed darkness opens!
.Boen Sri Oemarjati, Chairil Anwar: The Poet and His Language, Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde. 63, The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1972, p.80.