--Chairil Anwar (1922-1949),羅浩原 譯
[Sendja Di Pelabuhan Ketjil]
--Chairil Anwar
Buat Sri Ajati
Ini kali tidak ada jang mentjari tjinta
diantara gudang, rumah tua, pada tjerita
tiang serta temali. Kapal, perahu tidak berlaut
menghembus diri dalam mempertjaja mau berpaut
Gerimis mempertjepat kelam. Ada djuga kelepak elang
menjinggung muram, desir hari lari berenang
menemu budjuk pangkal akanan. Tidak bergerak
dan kini tanah dan air tidur hilang ombak.
Tiada lagi. Aku sendiri. Berdjalan
menjisir semenandjung, masih pengap harap
sekali tiba diudjung dan sekalian selamat djalan
dari pantai keempat, sedu penghabisan bias terdekap.
[Twilight at a Little Harbor]
--translated by Burton Raffel
For Sri Ajati
This time no one's looking for love
Between the sheds, the old houses, in the twitter
Of poles and rigging. A boat, a prau forever out of water
Puffs and snorts, thinking there’s something it can catch hold of
The drizzle brings down darkness. There's an eagle flapping;
With a flick, the day brushes at the gloom, then swims silkily
To meet temptations yet to come. Nothing moves.
And now the sand and the sea are asleep, the waves are gone.
That's all. I'm alone. Walking,
Combing the cape, still drowning the hope
Of getting to the end of it and just once saying goodbye to everything
From the fourth beach, embracing the last, the final sob of all.
.Burton Raffel, ed. & trans., The Complete Poetry and Prose of Chairil Anwar, Albany : State University of New York Press, 1970, pp. 104-105.
[Twilight at a Little Harbour]
--translated by Boen Sri Oemarjati
For Sri Ajati
This time there's no one looking for love
among the sheds, old houses, near the tale
of the masts and riggings. Ships (and) boats (that) have not gone to sea
are puffing themselves (out) in the belief (they) will be united
The drizzle speeds the darkness. There is still the flapping of an eagle
flicking the gloom, the rustling (of the) day glides away
to meet the lures of a future harbour. Motionless
and now the land and water are asleep, the waves vanished.
Nothing is left. I'm alone. Walking
(I) comb the peninsula, still with a stifled hope
of some time reaching the tip (of the peninsula) and (saying) goodbye to everyone
from all four beaches, the last sob can be embraced (by me).
.Boen Sri Oemarjati, Chairil Anwar: The Poet and His Language, Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde. 63, The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1972, p.87.