
--Conchitina Cruz,羅浩原 譯
人無法從物理學那邊討到便宜,物理學只要用代表熱力學第二定律的一個詞就能直指重點:「能趨疲」。** 我開始每天購買雙瓣茉莉;你將花夾到車內的後照鏡上。枯萎的花圈在垃圾中越積越多。
Conchitina Cruz, Disappear, Quezon City: High Chair, 2004, p.17.
* 雙瓣茉莉(Sampaguita),1937年被選為菲律賓的國花。
** 「能趨疲」(entropy,又稱「熵」)的觀念乃根據熱力學第二定律,能量由一種形式轉換為另一種形式之過程中,有些能量會形成不具潛能之熱形式。凡具秩序性之組織,會朝向混亂而變化,有秩序之組織較無秩序者具潛能,而此能量則會漸變成分散性、不具做功之能力。在不可逆的反應過程中「能趨疲」將會增加,諸如冷熱空氣自發性地混合、煤的燃燒等等。生命現象則抗拒熱力學第二定律,亦即減少「能趨疲」,而增進生命組織的秩序。(引自:國家教育研究院「學術名詞暨辭書資訊網」:
--Conchitina Cruz
Outside the church, the children squat on concrete steps, their fingers stringing sampaguitas into wreathes for wooden saints. In response to the interviewer’s question, the aging nationalist says. '"The goal of activism is to make itself obsolete." His voice rises above the static, and I look away from the roadkill as you, driving me home as usual, swerve the car to avoid hitting what is already dead; a cat soaks in its own blood; the roads glisten with the slippery bodies of frogs,
and you say, when I turn away from the road, “Listen, I’m too tired so I need you to talk to me while I drive.” Because I have not read the newspapers in years, I can no longer recite the capitals of many countries in South America. The children approach the highway without fear, peddling their flowers to speeding cars.
Beneath the hum of the fridge, there are other sounds: falling trees, the riot of slaughterhouses .
One gains nothing from physics, which makes its point in one word that stands for the second law of thermodynamics: entropy. I start buying sampaguitas each day; you clip them to the stem of your rearview mirror. The withered wreaths accumulate in the garbage.
In a crowded bus, the hungry child eyes the purse in my pocket. I am tired and about to fall asleep; I know he is waiting.